Making small numbers

Making small numbers

Naveen Hegde

Last Update 7 เดือนที่แล้ว

Hello, students! Today, we are going to learn about making small numbers. This means creating smaller numbers by combining smaller quantities or using different ways to represent numbers.

Making Small Numbers

Making small numbers involves understanding how numbers are formed and how we can use different combinations to create them. Let's explore this with some examples.

Understanding Numbers:

1. **Numbers from 1 to 9:**
- We use numbers 1 to 9 in many different ways.

2. **Combining Objects:**
- By combining different objects, we can make small numbers.

- If you have 2 apples and you add 1 more apple, you make the number 3.
- 2 apples + 1 apple = 3 apples.

Using Fingers to Make Numbers:

1. **Using Fingers to Count:**
- Hold up 3 fingers on one hand. This shows the number 3.
- Hold up 2 fingers on one hand and 1 finger on the other hand. This also shows the number 3.

Breaking Down Numbers:

1. **Understanding Parts of a Number:**
- A number can be broken down into smaller parts.

- The number 4 can be made by combining 2 and 2.
- 4 = 2 + 2
- The number 5 can be made by combining 3 and 2.
- 5 = 3 + 2

Using Objects to Make Numbers:

1. **Using Toys or Blocks:**
- Take 4 toy blocks. You can make 4 by combining 2 blocks and 2 blocks.

2. **Using Fruits:**
- Take 3 oranges. You can make 3 by combining 1 orange and 2 oranges.

Activities and Practice:

1. **Combining Objects:**
- Take 5 blocks. How many ways can you make 5 using smaller numbers?

2. **Using Fingers:**
- Use your fingers to show the number 4 in different ways.

Make the following numbers using smaller numbers:

1. 3 = __ + __
2. 5 = __ + __
3. 4 = __ + __

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